Generic Dishwasher
2499.00 W 2400.00 W Add to Watt Cart

Generic Dishwasher

2400.00 W

Based on a Bosch 14pl Freestanding Dishwasher – SMS6HC102Z

Disclaimer: We rely on manufacturer data for power consumption values and therefore we cannot guarantee accuracy of the Watts consumed by appliances and products.

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Based on a Bosch 14pl Freestanding Dishwasher – SMS6HC102Z
Cleaning performance : A
Water consumption : 9.5
Total annual energy consumption (kWh) 220 days : 205
Estimated annual consumption (220 standard cycles) water (l) : 2090

Not all dishwashers are made equal – some brands are a lot more efficient than others and so here we present a general idea of how much power is required. Also, dishwashers have various programs where you can set the water temperature – higher temperature = more power.

Using a dishwasher with a battery backup depends on the specific circumstances and capabilities of the battery backup system. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind:

Power Requirements: Dishwashers typically have high power requirements, often in the range of 1200 to 2400 watts or more during operation. This means they can draw a significant amount of power, which may exceed the capacity of some battery backup systems. Ensure that your battery backup system is capable of handling the power demands of the dishwasher.

Battery Capacity: The battery backup system should have sufficient capacity to provide power to the dishwasher for the desired duration. Consider factors such as the dishwasher’s cycle length and whether you want the battery backup to support a full cycle or just a portion of it. Estimating the power consumption of the dishwasher during its operation can help determine the required battery capacity.

Priority of Loads: If you have multiple appliances connected to the battery backup system, it’s essential to prioritize which loads are most critical during a power outage. You may choose to prioritize essential appliances like refrigerators, lighting, or medical equipment over the dishwasher. This prioritization helps ensure that the battery backup system can provide power to the most important loads.

It’s recommended to consult with a qualified electrician or battery backup system installer to assess your specific situation and determine if your dishwasher can be safely and effectively connected to a battery backup system. They can help evaluate the power requirements, battery capacity, and compatibility to ensure a reliable and efficient setup.


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