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How it works...

Like online shopping

Here's how it works:

WATTCART is a tool to help you estimate your PEAK load. Once you know this, it will help you size your inverter correctly.

How to use it?

Go into each room of your house / building. Then use our website to add up all the powered devices.


You can browse our extensive collection of appliances, lights, electronics, and more. As you add items to your virtual shopping cart, our intelligent calculator dynamically calculates the peak load in watts based on your selections. Once you reach the checkout stage, you will receive a comprehensive peak load value, which serves as a guiding metric for determining the ideal size of your battery backup system.

Our Peak Load Calculator is designed to provide you with peace of mind. You can confidently make informed decisions without worrying about unnecessary expenses or insufficient backup capacity. We believe that everyone should have access to reliable and affordable power solutions, and our innovative tool aims to make that a reality.

Join us on WATTCART and experience the convenience of our Peak Load Calculator. Take control of your power needs, design your backup system within your budget, and say goodbye to the struggle of managing your energy supply. We’re here to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need for a brighter, more efficient future.

From the WATT SHOP

Introducing our Peak Load Calculator: Your Ultimate Solution for Sizing Battery Backup Systems

Designed to be versatile

We know how important it is for you to avoid overspending on a backup system that cannot be scaled up in the future. Likewise, investing in a backup system that exceeds your needs and stretches your budget can be equally frustrating. We’ve been there ourselves, and that’s why we decided to create a user-friendly tool that addresses these concerns.

Other tools sucked, so we made our own!

Just Add to WATT CART!

Gone are the days of going into debt just to keep your lights on. Our Peak Load Calculator eliminates the complexities of online tools and Excel spreadsheets that can be a nightmare to work with. Instead, we have adopted a simple, familiar online shopping approach to assist you in designing a backup system that perfectly aligns with your budget and power requirements.

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